Stop imperialist war and occupation

Korea: The facts, please

Here are the facts that the U.S. media ignore about Korea: There are no foreign troops in the Democratic People’s…

April 26, 2017

New Yorkers protest MOAB bombing in Afghanistan

More than 40 people came to the Times Square military recruiting station in Manhattan, N.Y., on April 14 to demand…

April 23, 2017

Labor can shut down the war machine!

The following statement was issued by the ­Labor Fraction of Workers World Party. On April 6, President Donald Trump ordered…

April 21, 2017

Trump & the Wall Street-Pentagon coalition

There has been much buzz in the capitalist media recently about Donald Trump’s “flip-flopping.” He has changed his positions 180…

April 18, 2017

Workers World Party attends DPRK reception

A Workers World Party delegation attended a reception on April 12 hosted by the U.N. Mission of the Democratic People’s…

April 18, 2017

Behind the attack on Syria

“You furnish the pictures. I’ll furnish the war.” Publisher William Randolph Hearst in 1898, preparing the groundwork for the U.S.…

April 11, 2017

The chemical weapon lie

The New York Times and other major corporate U.S. news outlets rushed to accuse the Syrian government of President Bashar…

April 11, 2017

Infrastructure not war!

President Donald Trump’s budget proposal exposes his administration’s real priorities: It slashes spending on necessities that millions of people depend…

April 11, 2017

In cities around U.S., attack on Syria protested

In cities large and small throughout the United States, the response was swift and strong in condemnation of the U.S.…

April 10, 2017

As U.S. rockets hit Syria, corporate media start loving warmaker Trump

Within a day of the U.S. missile strike on Syria, five major U.S. newspapers -- the New York Times, the…

April 10, 2017