Stop imperialist war and occupation

People’s Korea resists U.S. threats

Where does the danger of yet another war come from? Does it come from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,…

January 2, 2018

Behind the unthinkable

A potential crime of historic proportions is being openly discussed and evaluated in the U.S. imperialist media. They’re debating the…

December 5, 2017

Protests in Asia-Pacific say ‘No U.S. war!’

With the Pentagon poised to sail three massive aircraft carriers toward north Korea and the U.S. president blow-harding deals in…

November 14, 2017

The Bergdahl case: ‘Taking responsibility’

Bowe Bergdahl’s recent sentencing hearing did not address whether he’s guilty or not. Bergdahl had already pleaded guilty, both to…

November 7, 2017

U.S.-based groups hold news conference to condemn Trump’s threats against north Korea

Oct. 18 — Today, representatives of the International Committee of the National Lawyers Guild and anti-war organizations held a news conference…

October 19, 2017

More oil imperialism as U.S. warships threaten Iran

The imperialist-in-chief in the White House is ramping up hostility against Iran. He is threatening to pull the U.S. out…

October 14, 2017

Rally unites struggles against racism & war

New York — Hundreds of antiwar militants gathered in busy midtown Manhattan on Oct. 11, the 16th anniversary of the…

October 14, 2017

Letter on Korea: ‘Don’t kill for Trump and the Pentagon!’

To the Editor: Why does north Korea want nukes? It’s pretty simple, and totally unreported in the corporate media. The…

October 8, 2017

Anti-drone protest: ‘Rich man’s war, poor people’s blood’

The grassroots group Upstate Drone Action delivered a citizens’ war crime indictment to the chain of command at Hancock Air…

October 7, 2017

VVAW celebrates 50th anniversary

New York — Over 75 anti-war military veterans and their supporters met in midtown Manhattan on Sept. 16 to celebrate…

September 22, 2017