Stop imperialist war and occupation

Alex Saab defense team confident of winning his release

By: Alex Saab Legal Team statement The legal team for kidnapped Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab released the following statement Sept.…

September 17, 2021

The struggle to free Alex Saab continues

Despite delays, legal appeals, protests, formal delegations and petitions signed by many thousands, the United States has continued to demand…

September 10, 2021

<span class="streamer">Argentine Marxist:</span><br /> Afghanistan an imperialist defeat, but no analogy to Saigon 1975

By Mario Hernández This Aug. 25 interview with Claudio Katz, Argentine member of Left Economists and political analyst, was published…

September 10, 2021

Al terminar la ocupación, Estados Unidos miente para ocultar los crímenes 

La sangrienta semana final de la ocupación estadounidense de Afganistán está repitiendo los crímenes de Washington de los últimos 20…

September 10, 2021

‘Thank You, Mexico’ for sending aid to Cuba

An international statement of solidarity with revolutionary Cuba was delivered Aug. 26 at the Mexican Consulate in Denver, as Deputy…

September 3, 2021

Alex Saab remains defiant

By Roger Harris These are the opening paragraphs of an Aug. 26 update on the struggle to free Alex Saab,…

September 3, 2021

Claudio Katz accepts Liberator Award for latest book, Part 2

By Claudio Katz Caracas  Dec. 17 -- The following is from a lecture the author, an Argentine Marxist economist and…

September 3, 2021

As occupation ends, U.S. lies to hide crimes

The bloody final week of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan is replaying Washington’s crimes of the past 20 years. A…

August 30, 2021

Ya se ha oído todo antes

Ya lo hemos oído todo antes. El gobierno de Estados Unidos reclama un complot, una agresión o una crisis humanitaria…

August 30, 2021

Webinar debunks ‘China lab leak’ theory

These excerpts are from a Workers World livestream on Aug. 19, which featured Lee Siu Hin and Sara Flounders. For…

August 25, 2021