Stop imperialist war and occupation

Armenia and Azerbaijan: U.S. divides to conquer

The imperialist U.S. government is actively looking to open up new fronts in its current proxy war in Ukraine, in…

October 12, 2022

La moral, Irán y Estados Unidos

Tal vez la gente te habló con emoción esta semana, viendo por todas partes esas fotos de mujeres en las…

October 12, 2022

Boston demands ‘Indigenous Peoples Day, now!’

Over 100 Indigenous activists and allies marched through Boston Oct. 8 to demand the state of Massachusetts abolish Columbus Day…

October 10, 2022

A long history of war lies

By Jorge Cadima This article was published Sept. 29 in Avante, the newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party, in which…

October 10, 2022

In the end, who promotes fascism?

The author is editor of the Portuguese Marxist webzine, where this article was published Sept. 30. Translation: John Catalinotto.…

October 7, 2022

U.S. hybrid war against Venezuela: the case of diplomat Alex Saab

By John Philpot and Roger D. Harris Sept. 29, 2022 Reprinted from Resumen LatinoAmericano and the Third World at…

October 7, 2022

Where’s the $60+ billion for the Bronx?

The following statement was issued by the Bronx Anti-War Coalition, a grassroots, community-based peace group, dedicated to challenging U.S. militarism…

October 5, 2022

Nord Stream sabotage − ‘cui bono’? who benefits?

Underwater explosions Sept. 26 severely damaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines from Russia to Germany.  World leaders,…

October 4, 2022

Comentario de WW/ ‘Puerto Rico no está en venta’

El 23 de septiembre de 1868, estalló el Grito de Lares en la ciudad de Lares, Puerto Rico, el primer…

October 4, 2022

Protests and anger intensify in Haiti

Beginning in late August, on the date commemorating the start of the 1804 revolution that liberated Haiti, hundreds of thousands…

October 3, 2022