Racism and Self-Determination

‘Mumia is a fighter’

by Johanna Fernandez These remarks, edited for print, were made by Dr. Johanna Fernandez on a March 18 Workers World…

April 9, 2021

Regarding the farewell of Romaine “Chip” Fitzgerald 

Black Panther Party soldier Romaine “Chip” Fitzgerald died March 28 in a California hospital. The 71-year-old had been incarcerated for…

April 9, 2021

Paul Robeson gave voice to the trees and forests

This article first appeared on Jan. 27, 2015.  Robeson was born April 9, 1898 and died Jan. 23, 1976. If…

April 9, 2021

Solidarity with the Haitian struggle

The month of March saw a number of demonstrations throughout North America in solidarity with the struggles of the working…

April 9, 2021

Talking to co-author, with Mumia Abu-Jamal of ‘Murder, Incorporated’

By Ted Kelly Stephen Vittoria co-authored “Murder Incorporated — Perfecting Tyranny: Book Three (Empire, Genocide, and Manifest Destiny),” with Mumia…

April 9, 2021

Puerto Rico: The water route is a lifeline for the people of Vieques, Culebra.

On April 2 while Catholics worldwide observed Good Friday, the people of Culebra and Vieques Islands took to the streets…

April 7, 2021

Philadelphia: Protect Squirrel Hill from gentrification

Protect Squirrel Hill, a coalition of neighbors in the Squirrel Hill area of West Philadelphia, rallied April 3 against a…

April 7, 2021

Education workers organize the South

Elon, N.C. Two years after voting by a 2-to-1 margin to unionize, on March 4 the embattled Elon Faculty Union…

April 5, 2021

A voice from the inside: District Attorney’s office past and present

Jerome Coffey has been wrongly incarcerated for 28 years. He is an exceptional Pro-Se litigator, that is, representing himself in…

April 5, 2021

En el espíritu del Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. los trabajadores de Bessemer luchan por justicia

El 29 de marzo concluyeron unas históricas elecciones sindicales después de que 5.800 trabajadores de los almacenes de Amazon, más…

April 5, 2021