Racism and Self-Determination

The Indian Child Welfare Act upheld!

On June 15, the Supreme Court of the United States voted to uphold the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in…

July 7, 2023

Behind high court’s assault on civil rights

“Equal justice under law.”  These words are inscribed above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building. They are a…

July 5, 2023

France: Racist police incites massive youth rebellion

During a traffic stop by two motorcycle cops in the Paris suburb of Nanterre June 27, one of the cops…

July 4, 2023

Struggle continues to Stop Cop City

Atlanta Neither intense police surveillance and repression nor record-breaking heat prevented the Week of Action to Stop Cop City from…

July 3, 2023

Seattle ILWU <br /> Make Juneteenth a paid holiday!

International Longshore and Warehouse Union workers stopped work on June 19 and marched on the Seattle waterfront in a Juneteenth…

July 3, 2023

Boston groups reject Zionist pinkwashing

In Boston, corporate Pride has been replaced with Zionist Pride. The organizers of Boston Pride 2023 collaborated with the Israeli…

July 1, 2023

SCOTUS’s latest attack on affirmative action

The Supreme Court of the United States confirmed once again what an utterly reactionary, rightwing institution it is by striking…

June 30, 2023

At the Stonewall Rebellion, crowd rage ignites

Originally published June 15, 2006, this column was part of Leslie Feinberg’s series on the connections between LGBTQ2S and socialist…

June 26, 2023

Issues behind the Indian Child Welfare Act

Bulletin: In a major victory for Native nations and Tribal Sovereignty, the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 was upheld…

June 23, 2023

U.S. imperialism behind assassinations of Philippine revolutionaries

Workers World Party recently sent a message of sympathy and solidarity to the Communist Party of the Philippines concerning the…

June 23, 2023