Racism and Self-Determination

30 years later: Free the Lucasville Uprising defendants!

Cleveland April 11 was the 30th anniversary of the 1993 prison rebellion at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville,…

April 21, 2023

Tennessee Goddam

Alabama me ha alterado tanto Tennessee me hizo perder el descanso Y todo el mundo sabe de Mississippi Goddam (Mississippi…

April 17, 2023

Against the attacks on Palestine organizing in Germany

The following statement is being circulated by Samidoun Germany and other organizations in Berlin, and the group is seeking the…

April 17, 2023

Florida: Campus protesters face felony charges for opposing Gov. DeSantis agenda

From Fightback News Tampa, Florida  There is a growing movement across the country to demand that Florida prosecutors drop the…

April 17, 2023

Tennessee Goddam

Bulletin: The Nashville Metropolitan Council voted April 10 to have Rep. Justin Jones reinstated to the Tennessee House of Representatives.…

April 10, 2023

A double standard

On April 1, the Louisiana State University (LSU) Tigers women’s basketball team won its first 2023 NCAA championship, after trouncing,…

April 10, 2023

Denial of Mumia’s appeal: An affront to basic justice and the law

Philadelphia Mumia Abu-Jamal, his family and his supporters around the world had every reason and right to hope that all…

April 3, 2023

Following murder of Dr. King
Lessons of the April 1968 Black rebellions

Following are excerpts from an article published on April 11, 1968, in WW newspaper, by Workers World Party founding Chairperson…

April 3, 2023

Trump’s indictment: only a beginning

Former President Donald J. Trump was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury March 31. The unexpected news was celebrated by…

April 3, 2023

Atlanta: Protest over police murder of Forest Defender

More than 100 people sat cross-legged at Atlanta’s State Capitol March 25, with their hands raised and palms inward with…

March 27, 2023