Racism and Self-Determination

Stop ‘Stop and frisk’

On June 24, organizations opposing the racist “Stop and Frisk” actions by the New York Police Department held a morning…

June 30, 2013

Mass march commemorates ‘Great Walk to Freedom’

June 22 represented a highpoint in Detroit when tens of thousands of people gathered on Woodward Avenue in midtown and…

June 28, 2013

Justice for Ernest Duenez Jr.

By Gloria Verdieu and Terri Kay Manteca, Calif. -- Hundreds of supporters, friends and family from all over the state…

June 24, 2013

Black farmers’ lawsuit: Justice delayed is justice denied

African-American farmers won a landmark lawsuit in 1999 against the U.S. Department of Agriculture for racist discrimination in Pigford v.…

June 21, 2013

Alabama struggle defends voter rights

Selma, Ala. — The National Coalition of Leaders to Save Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is in the forefront…

June 17, 2013

Hoodie Day for Trayvon Martin in Buffalo, N.Y.

The Buffalo, N.Y., National Hoodie Day march, led by African-American youth, proceeded down a major street in a predominantly African-American…

June 11, 2013

Justice, not smears, for Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman, the racist vigilante killer of Trayvon Martin, has launched a campaign through his lawyers to smear his victim.…

June 5, 2013

Detroit cop stands trial in shooting death of 7-year-old girl

After three years, the white Detroit police officer who shot a 7-year-old African-American girl is finally standing trial in Wayne…

June 5, 2013

Arpaio guilty of racial profiling

Tucson, Ariz. — In a ruling that came as no surprise to Arizona’s oppressed and terrorized Latino/a community, a federal judge…

May 30, 2013

No justice for Ramarley Graham

Ramarley Graham was shot in his bathroom by police officer Richard Haste. The unarmed Bronx teenager was killed on Feb.…

May 23, 2013