Racism and Self-Determination

No justice for Trayvon Martin? No peace for capitalist system!

July 16 — Workers World Party joins with millions of people inside the U.S. and around the world in condemning…

July 17, 2013

Rise up for Trayvon!

Protests across the U.S. July 15 — The ongoing anger of the oppressed African-American masses and all anti-racist, justice-loving people…

July 17, 2013

Lynching of Trayvon Martin goes unpunished

Workers World statement: One more travesty of justice Workers World Party joins with millions of people inside the U.S. and…

July 15, 2013

Protesters take to the streets throughout U.S. over Zimmerman verdict

July 14 — When news of the “not guilty” jury verdict for George Zimmerman in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon…

July 15, 2013

Stop the war on Black America: Justice for Trayvon Martin!

The following statement was issued on July 14 by Black Workers for Justice based in North Carolina. The not guilty…

July 14, 2013

A post-racial U.S.? Killing and demonizing Trayvon Martin shatter the myth

When Barack Obama became the first African American to be elected president of the United States in 2008, many bourgeois…

July 9, 2013

Defend Carlos Riley Jr. against police brutality

Durham, N.C. — On Dec. 18, 21-year-old Carlos Riley Jr., who is African American, was dropping off his companion around 10…

July 8, 2013

Struggle builds against racist principal in Queens, N.Y.

A multinational show of unity took place in front of the office of New York City School Chancellor Dennis Walcott at…

July 8, 2013

‘Hideous and revolting’: Frederick Douglass on U.S. slavery

The following excerpts are from the powerful speech entitled “What to the slave is 4th of July,” made by Frederick…

July 2, 2013

Voting rights set back: Only struggle can reverse racist ruling

Two decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court the last week of June have provoked outrage among Civil Rights organizations and…

July 2, 2013