Racism and Self-Determination

Renisha McBride’s killer: ‘Guilty’

Detroit -- A Wayne County jury on Aug. 7 found Theodore Wafer, 55, of Dearborn Heights, Mich., a Detroit suburb,…

August 13, 2014

Eric Garner & the capitalist state

“The prevailing ideas [in society] are those of the ruling class,” said Karl Marx. Carried a step further, this stroke…

August 13, 2014

‘Water for Gaza and Detroit!’

In an effort to calm the storms related to the massive water shutoffs in Detroit, corporate Mayor Mike Duggan issued…

August 13, 2014

The blue plague

Justice for Michael Brown! The grim news that police have killed yet another unarmed African-American youth comes this time from…

August 13, 2014

From Gaza to the Bronx: We charge genocide

This article is dedicated to the honor and memory of the Four Little Footballers: Mohammed Bakr (11), Ahed Bakr (11),…

August 12, 2014

Struggle wins temporary water shutoff moratorium

New developments took place at the end of July around the struggle for water in Detroit. A class-action lawsuit was…

August 7, 2014

Activists confront NYC mayor over killer cops

New York -- A flying squad of activists from New Yorkers Against Bratton confronted Mayor Bill de Blasio as he left the…

August 6, 2014

Eric Garner to occupied Palestine: A common enemy & struggle

Against the illuminating backdrop of the Dred Scott Decision of 1857, there exists disturbing parallels between the cowardly New York…

July 29, 2014

Staten Island, N.Y., protest demands ’Justice for Eric Garner!’

More than 100 people gathered July 26 to protest the brutal killing-on-video of Eric Garner in Staten Island, N.Y. They…

July 29, 2014

Brooklyn, N.Y.: ’No to gentrification’

The Equality for Flatbush Project held a “Save Affordable Housing/Fight Gentrification Visibility Day” on July 19 to demand an end…

July 22, 2014