Racism and Self-Determination

‘Justice for Michael Brown & all victims of police brutality’

Several hundred people rallied at One Police Plaza in New York City Aug. 18 to demand justice for Michael Brown…

August 20, 2014

Ferguson and the unfinished revolution

The great struggle for justice by the African-American people of Ferguson, Mo., comes after a white cop there gunned down…

August 20, 2014

Thousands march on CNN to denounce its Ferguson coverage

Atlanta -- The crowd had been organized by college and high school students. Estimated by the Atlanta police at 5,000,…

August 20, 2014

U.S. protests: ‘We are ALL Michael Brown!’

Vigils and demonstrations involving thousands took place the evening of Thursday, Aug. 14, in at least 90 cities across the…

August 20, 2014

‘From Ferguson to Gaza, we charge genocide’

The following message of solidarity was issued Aug. 19 by the Campaign to Bring Mumia Home coalition, which is organizing…

August 20, 2014

Defend Ferguson UPRISING!

Aug. 19 bulletin: News sources report that 78 people were arrested Aug. 18 during a police riot in Ferguson. A…

August 19, 2014

Behind Ferguson police, the St. Louis corporate elite

The trigger-happy, tear-gas throwing, billy-club wielding cops in Ferguson, Mo., aren't really “out of control.” These goons are very much…

August 19, 2014

Texas Governor’s REAL crimes

Houston -- For the 14 years that Rick Perry has been governor, he has committed crimes against the people of…

August 18, 2014

The racist militarization of Ferguson, Mo.

Aug. 18 — The air was again choked in Ferguson, Mo., with smoke bombs and tear gas.  Protesters’ chants competed…

August 18, 2014

Vigils and demonstrations protest execution of Michael Brown

A national call was issued to hold vigils and demonstrations to demand justice for Michael Brown, the 18-year-old unarmed African…

August 15, 2014