Racism and Self-Determination

Solidarity protests with Ferguson: ‘Stop police brutality!’

The demands of the people of Ferguson, Mo., and their continued fight against racism and police impunity are taking root…

October 29, 2014

Houston protest: ’Death row must go!’

Houston -- The 15th annual march in Houston to abolish the death penalty brought together 200 people on Oct. 25.…

October 28, 2014

Justice denied for 7-year-old Aiyana Jones

Detroit police officer Joseph Weekley remains unscathed after a second attempt to prosecute him ended in a mistrial on Oct.…

October 25, 2014

Supreme Court upholds racist Texas ID law

Once again the right-wing majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has made an outrageous attack on the hard-won democratic rights…

October 22, 2014

Demonstrators drown out Pa. Gov. Corbett who signed ‘Silence Mumia Law’

Philadelphia, Oct. 21 — Lots of media were on hand today in Philadelphia to record the moment when Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett put…

October 22, 2014

State’s gag order vs Mumia Abu-Jamal silences all prisoners

Philadelphia -- At a time when more and more convictions are being reversed and prisoners released because of improper, racist…

October 21, 2014

Hannibal Shakur, Trayvon Two activist, tells WW about charges being dropped

Hannibal Abdul Shakur and Tanzeen Doha were arrested during protests during the summer of 2013 in downtown Oakland, Calif., after…

October 20, 2014

Community demands justice as killer cop fired in Milwaukee

As a result of almost six months of repeated protests organized by the Coalition for Justice and their allies, Milwaukee…

October 20, 2014

Herman Ferguson, ¡Presente!

His name was Herman Ferguson, and if you’re not dialed into the Black Nationalist Movement, the name may not ring…

October 17, 2014

A tale of two oppressed communities

Taken from an Oct. 7 audio recording at prisonradio.org. At first glance, the communities of Ferguson, in Missouri, and of…

October 17, 2014