Racism and Self-Determination

Detroit bankruptcy ‘exit plan’ latest attack on African-American majority

As the corporate-controlled media in the city of Detroit continue to champion the massive theft of health care programs, pension…

November 21, 2014

In defense of the Ferguson rebellion

Talk given by Monica Moorehead at the 2014 National Conference of Workers World Party in New York City on Nov.…

November 21, 2014

Rosebud Sioux say House Vote for Keystone XL is ‘act of war’

Workers World reprints this Nov. 14 article by Wica Agli, of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, published by the Earth First!…

November 21, 2014

Suit challenges law muzzling Mumia

Attorneys representing political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal filed a lawsuit in federal court in Harrisburg, Pa., on Nov. 10 seeking to…

November 20, 2014

Ferguson’s moment of truth

A moment of truth approaches in Ferguson, in Missouri, in the United States. Two sides are mobilizing for the next…

November 19, 2014

Lawsuit challenges Mumia-muzzling act

Attorneys representing political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal filed a lawsuit in federal court in Harrisburg, Pa., on Nov. 10 seeking to…

November 15, 2014

Community activist elected in Providence

Providence, R.I. -- African-American activist Mary Kay Harris won the general election for City Council from Ward 11 on Nov.…

November 15, 2014

Justice now for Dontre Hamilton

Members of the Coalition for Justice and its supporters packed a Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission meeting Nov. 6 to…

November 14, 2014

Racist team name protested

By Chris Getowicz Republished from an article at fightback­news.org Minneapolis, Minn. — Over 5,000 people joined 11 tribal nations in…

November 14, 2014

The elections and the oppressed

The loss of the U.S. Senate to the Republican right and their gains in the Congress during the midterm 2014…

November 12, 2014