Racism and Self-Determination

Harlem march honors Malcolm X

“Black Lives Matter” movement activists marched and rallied Feb. 1 in Harlem, N.Y., to usher in Black Liberation Month by…

February 2, 2015

Hands off Boston bus drivers!

The jury trial on trumped-up charges against union leader Steve Kirschbaum will begin on Feb. 2. After months of pretrial…

January 28, 2015

Anti-racists dominate BART commish meeting

Oakland, Calif. -- An overflow crowd of some 400 people packed the Bay Area Rapid Transit Board of Commissioners’ meeting…

January 28, 2015

Civil Rights to Black Power: The Alabama freedom movement 1965-1966

With the release of “Selma,” tremendous interest has been generated among youth activists about the struggle for voting rights as…

January 27, 2015

Paul Robeson gave voice to the trees and forests

If Paul Robeson were alive today, he'd be toasting and defending people's hero Ramsey Orta (who filmed the police killing…

January 27, 2015

Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia

On Jan. 21, the apartheid Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu was authorized by the United Nations General Assembly to host…

January 26, 2015

Detroit MLK Day rally highlights Selma, Ala.

This year’s “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Rally and March” commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Selma campaign that created…

January 24, 2015

NYPD charged with illegally targeting Muslims

Over 100 people rallied and heard testimony in Philadelphia Federal Court on Jan. 13 in support of Muslim civil rights…

January 24, 2015

Youth reclaim Dr. King in militant protests

Below are reports from several cities about marches and rallies on Jan. 19, the official holiday in memory of the…

January 22, 2015

Black men used for target practice

North Miami Beach, Fla., cops have taken racial profiling to a new level. They’re shooting at old mug shots of…

January 22, 2015