Racism and Self-Determination

Gaza resistance exposes limits of U.S. power

The U.S. stranglehold is slipping. Its global hegemony and its ability to assert that U.S. power alone is the decision…

November 7, 2023

Palestine and the awakening of working-class youth

From the day fighting broke out on Oct. 7, the Israeli and U.S. governments and the Western press have been…

November 6, 2023

Indigenous solidarity for Palestinian resistance

Boston Thousands of demonstrators — by some media accounts over 10,000 — shut down the streets around Boston’s Copley Square…

November 1, 2023

Mariela Castro: ‘Palestine is and will always be Arab land’

By Mariela Castro The writer is the director of CENESEX (Cuban National Center for Sex Education) Cuba and the daughter…

November 1, 2023

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
‘Rise, revolt, words no longer work’

This slightly edited statement was released on Oct. 31, 2023, in response to the Israeli Occupation Forces massacre of hundreds…

October 31, 2023

Palestinian joint statement:
‘Escalate all forms of resistance’

The following slightly edited statement was issued Oct. 28, 2023 by Palestinian forces: Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine,…

October 30, 2023

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Reports crimes committed against Palestinian prisoners

The following slightly edited statement was issued by the Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and the Wounded of the Popular Front…

October 30, 2023

San Francisco rally in solidarity with Gaza

By Roger D. Harris  A “No Business as Usual Rally in Solidarity with Gaza” temporarily shut down the Federal Building…

October 30, 2023

U.N. Gaza vote reflects U.S./Israeli global isolation

A United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for an “immediate, durable and sustainable humanitarian truce” between Israel and Hamas passed…

October 30, 2023

Demonstrations around the world show solidarity with Palestine

The following photos show a small sample of the massive worldwide support for the people of Gaza and Palestine now…

October 26, 2023