Racism and Self-Determination

Oakland, Calif., vigil for police brutality victims

An event entitled “Ferguson Response: Vigil for Fallen Angels” was attended by about 200 people at Oakland’s Lake Merritt on…

December 3, 2014

NYC SHOW your OUTRAGE TODAY over the murder and NO indictment of murderers of #ERICGARNER

NYC SHOW your OUTRAGE TODAY over the murder and NO indictment of murderers of #ERICGARNER   Peoples Power Assemblies is…

December 3, 2014

Rebellion is justified!

Dec. 2 — The new movement protesting injustice, racism and police brutality in the United States has entered its second…

December 2, 2014

Ethnic Studies won for Los Angeles public schools — interview with an organizer

Jefferson Azevedo of Workers World conducted this interview with Ron Gochez of Unión del Barrio in Los Angeles after a…

December 2, 2014

Walmart strikes unite with Ferguson protests

The fighting, angry spirit of the people of Ferguson, Mo., following the decision not to prosecute racist killer-cop Darren Wilson…

December 1, 2014

BlackOut Collective shuts down BART for Michael Brown

Cat Brooks, one of the arrestees in the BlackOut Collective’s civil disobedience action, which shut down transbay traffic at the West…

December 1, 2014

National Day of Mourning honors Indigenous resistance

Indigenous people and their supporters gathered on Coles Hill in Plymouth, Mass., for the 45th annual National Day of Mourning,…

December 1, 2014

At Day of Mourning rally, ‘Resistance is our right’

Speech by Mahtowin Munro, co-chair of United American Indians of New England, on Nov. 27 at the Day of Mourning…

December 1, 2014

On 45th Day of Mourning — Native nations ‘are not vanishing … We are as strong as ever’

Speech by Moonanum James, co-chair of United American Indians of New England, on Nov. 27 at the Day of Mourning…

December 1, 2014

Leonard Peltier’s message on “Thanksgiving”

The following greeting from political prisoner Leonard Peltier was read at the 45th annual National Day of Mourning in Plymouth,…

December 1, 2014