Racism and Self-Determination

The Government Media Office in Gaza on the disruption of communications and internet

The following statement from the Government Media Office in Gaza was released by Resistance News Network on Nov. 13, 2023:…

November 17, 2023

The people say: ‘Shut it down for Palestine’

There has been no letup in the mass movement to stop the Zionist genocide in Palestine. Here are but a…

November 17, 2023

The occupation’s crimes against prisoners have exceeded all limits

The following statement was issued by the Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and Wounded from the Popular Front for the Liberation…

November 17, 2023

War against the fleas

Perhaps Israel’s most respected statesman, former diplomat Abba Eban, once said, “Nobody does Israel any service by proclaiming its right…

November 17, 2023

From Turtle Island to Palestine, the struggle continues on 2023 NDOM

What are the foundational myths of the U.S.? Who created them, and who do they erase and harm? For the…

November 14, 2023

A worldwide appeal to stop bombing hospitals in Gaza

The edited appeal was released by Hamas – Islamic Resistance Movement – on Nov. 11, 2023. It’s time for the…

November 13, 2023

Salute students who fight genocide

The mass revulsion at Israeli terror in Gaza has unleashed a conflict on U.S. college campuses, where student activists confront…

November 13, 2023

Boston Coalition for Palestine shuts down Mass. Ave. Bridge

Boston A massive rally in support of the Palestinian resistance in Boston’s Copley Square on Nov. 12 brought out more…

November 13, 2023

The Red Nation’s message to the Free Palestine National March on Washington

The following speech was delivered to 300,000 pro-Palestine marchers by The Red Nation co-founder Dr. Melanie Yazzie and was written…

November 13, 2023

International delegation in Cairo demands opening of Rafah border crossing

The following press release was issued on Nov. 12. For questions, contact: Susan Abulhawa: +1.267.391.5386, Suzanne Adely: +1.773.510.7446 We are…

November 12, 2023