Racism and Self-Determination

Palestinian factions call for global Ramadan Flood campaign

The following statement was issued March 3, 2024, on Resistance News Network by the Palestinian factions. It regards the Ramadan…

March 6, 2024

Palestinian resistance factions meet in Moscow

The following statement was issued by Palestinian resistance factions who met in Moscow, Russia, on Feb. 29, 2024, and released…

March 4, 2024

War criminal sheds light on deep schisms in Israeli military and society

The Resistance News Network reported on March 3 that “Ultra-Orthodox” Zionist settlers are blocking a ‘Tel Aviv’ highway in protest…

March 4, 2024

Protest shuts down interstate bridge in Philadelphia

Despite rain, hundreds marched in Philadelphia on March 2 to demand “Hands off Rafah!” “Ceasefire Now!” and “Stop the genocide!”…

March 4, 2024

Gaza media office: ‘Aid delivered by air does not achieve justice’

The Government Media Office in Gaza issued the following statement on Resistance News Network, March 3, 2024.  The famine deepens…

March 4, 2024

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on vital role of UNRWA

The following statement was issued March 2, 2024, by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on Resistance News…

March 4, 2024

Palestinian resistance pays tribute to martyr, Aaron Bushnell

The following statements appeared on Resistance News Network on Feb. 26, 2024. Hamas We, in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas),…

February 26, 2024

Philadelphia: High school students walk out for Palestine

Philadelphia Over 150 youth from Philadelphia high schools walked out of classes on Feb. 23 to demonstrate for Palestine. Marching…

February 26, 2024

Texas plans another legal lynching: Save the life of Ivan Cantu!

Houston When speaking about prisons and the death penalty, many activists and leaders have said, “It’s better to be guilty…

February 26, 2024

Buffalo police kill a Black man – yet again

On Saturday morning, on Buffalo's East Side, police shot and killed a Black man – yet again.  Edward ‘Eddie’ Holmes…

February 26, 2024