The Silent Slaughter

Book Cover: The Silent Slaughter

“The Silent Slaughter” is a unique expose of the U.S. role in the Indonesian massacres. First published in 1966 and long out of print. Includes an introduction by Bertrand Russell.



A Public Inquest on the Indonesian massacre was held at Columbia University on June 2, 1966. It was organized by Youth Against War and Fascism and chaired by its representative, Miss Deirdre Griswold.

The participants at the inquest were Mr. Eric Norden, well-known journalist, Mr. William Worthy, correspondent for the Baltimore Afro-American who had visited Indonesia three times, Professor Andrew March of the East Asian Institute, Columbia University, and Mr. Mark Lane, former New York State Assemblyman. Their speeches are reported in full.

Included in the pamphlet is an introduction by Lord Bertrand Russell and an analysis of the Indonesian Council of Generals prepared by the Indonesian Students Association in China. The pamphlet was prepared and sponsored by Youth Against War and Fascism.


[Added in October 2017 by Workers World: This pamphlet was assembled and issued in 1966 by Youth Against War and Fascism, at that time the youth arm of Workers World Party. It has long been out of print. We have reproduced it here in digital form at a time when some documents of the U.S. Embassy in Indonesia have just been declassified. The major media are saying that the documents reveal that the U.S. knew about the massacres. We say that is just a continuation of the cover-up; that the following pages show how the U.S. was not just a witness but a prime mover in the horrible destruction of the left, anti-imperialist movement in Indonesia.]

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