Workers World Party

Tell Biden: Stop bombing Syria!

It has taken only 36 days in office for the Biden administration to show the world, through a bombing attack…

February 25, 2021

PDF of February 25 issue

Download the PDF. Texas freeze: Rich get richer, workers suffer 50+ actions: Solidarity with #BAmazon workers BLACK HISTORY MONTH: Washerwomen…

February 25, 2021

PDF of February 18 issue

Download the PDF. Alabama -- Roll the union on! Solidarity with Amazon organizing; Class struggle then and now. BLACK HISTORY…

February 18, 2021

PDF of February 11 issue

Download the 12-page PDF. Haiti: Struggle intensifies Black History Month: Salute to Rosa Parks, Harry Haywood, Ben Fletche ALSO: Nurses,…

February 11, 2021

PDF of February 4 issue

Download the 12-page PDF. BAmazon Union Which side are you on? GM 1937, Amazon 2021 NFL union solidarity ALSO: Drug…

February 4, 2021

PDF of January 28 issue

Download the 12-page PDF. Biden appoints warmongers 30-year U.S. war on Iraq; Workers on the move; No waiting to confront…

January 29, 2021

PDF of January 21 issue

Download the 12-page PDF. Trump Out; Time for workers to defeat racism, fascism Mumia on Capitol attack; Pandemic impacts women…

January 23, 2021

PDF of January 14 issue

Download the 12-page PDF. Special Coverage: Resisting White Supremacy No fascist coup! Fight back with workers’ power Georgia grassroots victory;…

January 15, 2021

Fascist coup NO! Workers power YES!

Workers World Party statement Wednesday, Jan. 6 — The coup attempt today in Washington, D.C., and the mobilization of a…

January 6, 2021

PDF of January 7 issue

Download the 12-page PDF. Alabama prisons: ON STRIKE! ‘Relief’ bill offers little; Outrage at year’s end; Workers as ‘contractors’; Massive…

January 6, 2021