Workers World Baltimore bureau

Baltimore WWP candidates wage petition blitz

Baltimore volunteer petitioners are joined by Workers World Party Presidential Candidate Monica Moorehead and WWP First Secretary Larry Holmes. The…

July 8, 2016

Resistance to racist police attacks grows

Baltimore has become a national focus of protests against racist police murders and attacks. Here, Baltimore activists describe three recent…

May 11, 2016

Baltimore poor abandoned by capitalist government

The winter storm, driven by extra energy typical of this climate-change era, dropped 1 to 3 feet of snow from…

January 26, 2016

‘Repair all public housing!’

January 7 was the 50th anniversary of the Chicago Freedom Movement, launched by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1966…

January 15, 2016

Baltimore activists decry hung jury for killer cop

Baltimore activists erupted in anger Dec. 16 when they heard that the jury was hung in the case of William…

December 22, 2015

Baltimore solidarity with Native peoples, workers

Representatives of the Baltimore People’s Power Assembly, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Baltimore Chapter, Maryland Institute College of Art students,…

December 2, 2015

Baltimore Peoples Assembly calls for national days of protest on Ferguson anniversary

Some 150 people gathered for a Baltimore Tribunal and Peoples Assembly on June 6 at a downtown church. The major…

June 16, 2015

Baltimore people’s assembly a resounding success

Call passed for national and local actions The Baltimore People’s Power Assembly and the Greater Baltimore chapter of the Southern…

June 9, 2015

Baltimore protest set for May 16; struggle demands amnesty for arrestees

May 11 -- Close to 500 people have been arrested here since the rebellion that began on April 25 after…

May 11, 2015

‘All night, all day, we will fight for Freddie Grey’

As of the evening of April 27, hundreds of Black youth rebelled against the police in west and east Baltimore…

April 28, 2015