Workers World Baltimore bureau

Baltimore activists target ICE

A very successful protest was held on the steps of the Baltimore field office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on…

June 17, 2018

Johns Hopkins students protest CIA recruitment

By Rhys Williams and Ben Anderson Baltimore Ten Johns Hopkins University student activists from Tzedek (a U.K.-based charity that aims…

April 19, 2018

Cuban union leader gets ‘attentive and exciting reception’

Victor Manuel Lemagne Sánchez, a high-ranking union leader representing workers in Cuba’s hotel and tourism industry and also an elected…

July 18, 2017

Victory in Baltimore: Charges dropped for May Day protesters

Three demonstrators who were arrested while protesting at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office on May 1 won their cases…

May 31, 2017

Baltimore Workers World Party Regional Conference resounding success

The atmosphere was vibrant and exciting at the hall packed with young activists attending the April 8 all-day regional conference…

April 18, 2017

People’s Power puts socialist on Baltimore ballot #Socialists4Baltimore

From an Aug. 24 press advisory from the Baltimore Campaign for People’s Power. Baltimore voters will have the chance to…

August 26, 2016

Baltimore jury rejects cops’ story

A Baltimore jury heard the cry for justice from family and community in the case of 24-year-old Aaron Winston. A…

August 25, 2016

Baltimore WWP salutes Fidel

The Baltimore branch of Workers World Party celebrated the 90th birthday of Cuba’s historic leader, Fidel Castro, on Aug. 13.…

August 25, 2016

WWP candidates react to recent DOJ Baltimore report

The Department of Justice released a 164-page report on the city of Baltimore Police Department that is a scathing condemnation…

August 15, 2016

As cops walk in Freddie Gray death, activists hit ‘miscarriage of justice’

After enormous pressure from the Fraternal Order of Police, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby on July 27 dropped the indictments…

August 3, 2016