Viviana Weinstein

No RE/MAX sales of Palestinian land!

Speakers from two groups concerned with the rights of Palestinians spoke to the international shareholders’ meeting of the RE/MAX company…

May 13, 2016

Denver DA likely jailed innocent Black man for 28 years

A human tragedy was displayed in a courtroom in Denver on July 30. Two Black men sat in front of…

August 16, 2015

Denver DA clears officers in shooting of Jessica Hernandez

On June 5, Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey announced that he had cleared officers Gabriel Jordan and Daniel Green in…

June 16, 2015

From Denver to Ferguson: Fight for victims of police violence

Denver -- In the last seven months, the Denver police have fired four times into moving cars, killing two youth…

February 16, 2015

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions activists protest RE/MAX in Denver

Protesters marched with signs in front of the RE/MAX International headquarters in Denver to raise awareness that this U.S.-based global…

December 8, 2014

100 years later, miners remember Ludlow Massacre

Ludlow, Colo. -- Near this town in the gloomy, gray, coalfields of southern Colorado stands a memorial built by the…

April 28, 2014