V. Copeland

Sharpeville massacre: A turning point in the anti-apartheid struggle

The following article first appeared on the front page of the April 1, 1960, issue of Workers World. The original…

March 19, 2021

The U.S. Civil War was the ‘unfinished revolution’

The slightly edited two chapters below are from a 1974 essay written by a Workers World Party founding member, Vincent…

November 13, 2019

‘Expanding Empire’ — in 1969 and today

The following excerpt from “Expanding Empire -- The global war drive of big business and the forces that will stop…

August 16, 2019

A conversation with Che Guevara

Workers World, Vol. 9, No. 21, October 20, 1967 Since the article below was written, Premier Fidel Castro has declared his…

October 12, 2017