Tommy Cavanaugh

Continuing the fight: Justice for Jovan!

After Valentia Fresco (aka Jovan Blake) was killed by Metro Enforcement security officers on April 16 in Rockford, Ill., his…

May 18, 2016

Leninist party needed to advance class struggle in Wisconsin

Excerpts from the speech given by WWP member Tommy Cavanaugh of Wisconsin to the Workers World Party 2015 National Conference.…

November 19, 2015

Youth fight low wages and racist police terror

Rockford, Ill. -- The militant youth group “Fight Imperialism, Stand Together” held a forum  in downtown Rockford, Ill., on Feb.…

February 20, 2015

Fast-food worker: Strike is our main weapon

Talk by Tommy Cavanaugh at the 2014 National Conference of Workers World Party in New York on Nov. 15. It…

November 23, 2014

‘Young workers are key to fighting poverty wages’

Cavanaugh is a low-wage worker in Rockford, Ill., and a national leader of Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST, He…

August 27, 2014

Rockford, Ill., youth demand jobs

Members of Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST) led a march of 30 people on Nov. 5 through the streets of…

November 17, 2013

FIST attends SDS national conference

Clarksville, Tenn. -- Students for a Democratic Society held their national convention in Clarksville, Tenn., over the weekend of Oct.11-13.…

October 17, 2013

Anti-capitalist GarveyFest in Milwaukee

The life and legacy of Marcus Garvey, along with many others instrumental to the Black liberation struggle, were honored in…

August 25, 2013

Support striking Palermo’s workers

Milwaukee — On June 1, striking Palermo’s workers and their allies marched 18 miles from the Palermo’s Pizza factory in…

June 3, 2013