Tom Michalak

New coalition forms to resist fascist attacks

Detroit - While the political basis for fascist activity has long existed within the imperialist system dominant in the U.S.,…

January 9, 2017

Detroit youth resist U.S. role in Syria

Detroit -- On May 6 at downtown’s Hart Plaza, Detroit FIST (Fight Imperialism, Stand Together) held a counterdemonstration in defense of…

May 13, 2016

Youth’s visit to Moscow exposes U.S. imperialism’s lies about Russia

Moscow -- As I arrived at the Hotel Metropol in Moscow, directly across from the entrance to Red Square, I…

March 21, 2015

Moscow march against fascism in Ukraine

Moscow, Feb. 21 — Today marks the one-year anniversary of the U.S.-backed fascist coup in Ukraine. An important anti-fascist march,…

February 23, 2015

Detroit youth march for jobs

Demanding jobs and an end to the corporate theft of city services in the municipal bankruptcy case, several dozen people…

April 10, 2014

Detroit youth rally for Korea

Red Youth in Detroit called a rally in solidarity with the Korean people on April 20. They said that in…

April 25, 2013

Autoworkers strike to stop plant closings in France

As the global economic crisis deepens, the capitalist class, the class responsible for the crisis in the first place, strikes…

January 28, 2013

Mayor in Spain leads food raids for the people

A revolutionary youth’s perspective In the small Spanish town of Marinaleda, located in the southern region of Andalusía, Mayor Juan…

August 24, 2012

Solidarity with the ‘Tinley Park Five’

The Detroit branch of Workers World Party held a public forum Aug. 4 on fighting fascism. The speakers included Abayomi…

August 16, 2012