Terri Kay

Militant protest prevents fascist rally

Sacramento, Calif. -- Hundreds of anti-fascists from Sacramento, the Bay Area and across California converged here on June 26 and…

June 28, 2016

Oakland Police Department implodes amid sex crime scandal

Oakland, Calif. -- Seven Black men were killed at the hands of the Oakland Police Department in 2015, but it…

June 23, 2016

Oakland, Calif., activists occupy City Hall to protest gentrification

At the culmination of a week of actions highlighting that Oakland, Calif., is losing thousands of families per month to…

June 21, 2016

Demands to fire SF police chief reach crescendo – he’s out

Update: Chief Suhr was fired on 5/19 after the SFPD killing of another Black person that morning, a 27 year…

May 20, 2016

San Francisco student hunger strikers win ethnic studies agreement

Four hunger strikers — Hassani Bell, Ahkeel Andres Mestayer, Julia Retzlaff and Sachiel Fredric Rosen — together with the Third…

May 18, 2016

Bay Area turns up to block Trump

Burlingame, Calif. -- Anti-Trump protesters organized to block Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his supporters from basking in the California…

May 3, 2016

Housing protest shuts down developers’ summit

Oakland, Calif. -- Community activists organized by the Black Power Network marched into Oakland’s Kaiser Center Auditorium on March 18…

March 22, 2016

Federal trial exposes police killing of Alex Nieto

The federal civil trial against the four San Francisco police officers who killed Alex Nieto and the city and county…

March 13, 2016

Parents of police victims ask, ‘Where do we go from here?’

Oakland, Calif. -- The Oscar Grant family hosted an “Oscar Grant Legacy Weekend Birthday Celebration” on Feb. 27. It started…

March 5, 2016

‘Uniting Voices Against State-Sponsored Violence’

San Jose, Calif. -- There was a packed house at the African American Community Service Agency, the gathering place of…

February 28, 2016