Taryn Fivek

Charlottesville eyewitness: ‘Sticking together to battle white supremacy’

Workers World managing editor John Catalinotto interviewed WW correspondent Taryn Fivek, who was in the Workers World Party contingent at…

August 14, 2017

Tories trashed in British elections. What does it mean for class struggle?

Faced with the double barrels of belt-tightening brought by Britain’s exiting the European Union and the Conservative Party’s attack on…

June 12, 2017

The ‘New Media’: from freelancer to mercenary

https://youtu.be/VuycTMzhQgc The following talk by journalist Taryn Fivek was given at a May 20 Workers World forum in New York…

May 28, 2017

Protest in Grand Central Station exposes ‘White Helmets’ as war propaganda

Dozens of musicians pretended not to know each other while carrying huge instruments across Manhattan. They sat on steps inside…

March 6, 2017

Repression fuels resistance in DC

Washington, D.C., Jan. 23 — The last of the Workers World delegation left Washington, D.C., today with people affiliated with…

January 25, 2017

Repressive state attempts to shut down J20 protest

The repressive U.S. state apparatus that defends the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie over the multinational working class is doing everything…

January 16, 2017

‘Fake news’ covers up domestic propaganda law

Straight from the pages of publications that passed along lies about Iraq’s alleged “weapons of mass destruction” and that gave…

December 15, 2016

Hands Off Syria kicks off speaking tour

New York - It was standing-room-only at the Manhattan Theatre Club. People not able to find seats stood in the…

December 11, 2016

People’s Power Assembly shows anti-Klan solidarity

Scores of activists from New York City’s People’s Power Assembly gathered in freezing weather at Columbus Circle on Dec. 3…

December 8, 2016

Safety pins and political clarity

Following the selection of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, a strange suggestion has appeared via…

November 23, 2016