Sue Davis

U.S. women plan for international women’s strike

Women who took to the streets Jan. 21 in the U.S. and around the world in a massive show of…

February 26, 2017

On the picket line

Puzder withdraws; Acosta also  anti-worker Thousands of workers all over the country led the charge against wage-thief, sexist-pig, anti-minimum-wage, multimillionaire-fast-food-owner…

February 26, 2017

U.S. gag rule garrotes global health

The first action President Trump took on his first work day in office was to sign a memorandum signaling a…

February 5, 2017

Women’s liberation NOW!

The Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 21 has issued unity principles defining what it stands for. Included in eight…

January 19, 2017

Reproductive justice takes on the Trump-Pence agenda

Organizing for the Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 21 has been deep and massive. As of this writing, over…

January 14, 2017

States pass pro-worker initiatives

The lowest-paid hourly workers in four states — Arizona, Colorado, Maine and Washington, who total about 21.6 million — have…

November 23, 2016

Women strike in Poland for abortion rights

Black flooded the streets of Warsaw and 60 other Polish cities on Oct. 3. It is estimated that upwards of…

October 16, 2016

Overturn the Hyde Amendment!

The Hyde Amendment turns 40 on Sept. 30. This reactionary legislation mandates that if you are poor and receive your…

September 28, 2016

On the picket line

Long Island U. faculty locked out Even before their contract expired on Aug. 31 and before classes start on Sept.…

September 9, 2016

Partial victory for reproductive justice in Indiana

Purvi Patel’s 20-year sentence for "feticide” was overturned by the Indiana Court of Appeals on July 22. Ruling there was…

August 1, 2016