Sue Davis

On the picket line

Chicago Teachers Union charges racial discrimination In a federal lawsuit filed Dec. 26, the Chicago Teachers Union and three teachers…

January 7, 2013

On the picket line

Pickets continue for low-wage food workers In Manhattan on Dec. 14, labor activists picketed Capital Grille, a chain owned by…

December 20, 2012

For Ramarley Graham: ‘We will not be silenced’

New York — “We will not be silent and we will not be silenced!” was the theme of the Dec. 8…

December 16, 2012

Community award to Rosa Maria de la Torre

Rosa Maria de la Torre, program coordinator of the Chelsea Housing Group at Hudson Guild in New York City since…

December 16, 2012

‘The Central Park Five’: The racist hate crime that continues

A racist hate crime of sensational proportions has been allowed to fester since 1989. It must be addressed and the…

December 14, 2012

On the picket line

Victory for Hot & Crusty workers At a press conference called by the Laundry Workers Center on Nov. 16, Hot…

December 2, 2012

On the picket line

Kansas Machinists strike and win better contract After Machinists (IAM) Local Lodge 639 members in Wichita, Kansas, got a load…

November 25, 2012

Historic victory for immigrant workers

New York — The slogan “Dare to struggle, dare to win” was validated Oct. 26 when the courageous immigrant workers in…

November 2, 2012

On the picket line

Strong rally for Hot & Crusty workers On Oct. 18, about 100 people, including Hot & Crusty food workers and…

October 25, 2012

On the picket line

New England janitors make gains After voting to strike on Sept. 22 due to unfair labor practices, the 14,000 janitors…

October 12, 2012