Steven Ceci

At Ravens stadium: Taking a knee for Kaepernick

Activists supporting Colin Kaepernick against a barrage of racist attacks came out on Aug. 12 to the Baltimore Raven practice…

August 17, 2017

Baltimore rally demands: Justice for Aaron Winston!

Activists from the Baltimore Peoples Power Assembly and the Baltimore Southern Christian Leadership Conference marked the anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s…

March 5, 2016

Baltimore cops shoot, then frame up Keith Davis Jr.

Baltimore police officers shot a 24-year-old African American, Keith Davis Jr., twice — once in the face and once in…

January 14, 2016

Baltimore students, activists occupy City Hall

Youth and high school students from City Bloc and their supporters held an occupation of City Council chambers on Oct.…

October 20, 2015

‘Trans Uprising’ marks Baltimore’s Gay Pride Weekend with major protest

Baltimore’s Black trans community and allies came together to hold a “Baltimore TransUprising” march and rally on July 24. They…

August 3, 2015

Build workers’ assemblies!

Talk given by Steven Ceci at the 2014 National Conference of Workers World Party in New York City. First, I…

January 10, 2015

Strikers say ‘End poverty wages at Johns Hopkins Hospital’

Baltimore -- For three days, hundreds of workers picketed, marched and rallied at Johns Hopkins Hospital on Baltimore’s eastside from…

April 16, 2014

Workers assembly plans for spring actions

Baltimore -- The “We Deserve Better” Workers’ Assembly convened a very dynamic and enthusiastic regional workers speak-out on Feb. 22…

February 28, 2014

SuperShuttle workers protest Veolia’s low wages

Baltimore — One after another, the mostly West African immigrant SuperShuttle workers poured out their grievances in front of the…

January 31, 2014

‘Caravan for Justice’ supports SuperShuttle drivers

Baltimore — Despite a massive show of airport police, who ejected them from the SuperShuttle holding lot, 35 decorated cars…

January 2, 2014