Sharon Black

Why we fight for a $15 minimum wage

On Oct. 24, community activists, students, members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, labor unionists and underpaid workers from every…

October 23, 2013

Workers Assemblies, Oct. 24 and the fight to raise workers’ wages

The following is taken from a talk by Sharon Black given at the Sept. 27 Workers World Party public forum…

October 6, 2013

Alabama struggle defends voter rights

Selma, Ala. — The National Coalition of Leaders to Save Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is in the forefront…

June 17, 2013

A real answer to police terror

  Excerpts from a talk given by Sharon Black, a national Workers World Party organizer and representative of the Baltimore…

December 14, 2012

NYC protesters: Superstorm exposes capitalism

New York, Nov. 3 — The Peoples Power Movement held a protest in the center of Manhattan in front of…

November 4, 2012

Baltimore vigil protests cop killing of homeless man

Representatives of the Baltimore Peoples Assembly gathered for a vigil and protest in front of the boarded-up house that Rudy…

September 2, 2012