Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein (guest author)

Estados Unidos: reflexiones dramáticas en voz alta / EE.UU.: reflexiones dramáticas 

Por Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein El autor es consultor y analista internacional venezolano, y fue Director de Relaciones Internacionales de la…

October 1, 2021

Venezuela has its strategy: Bolivarian Shield

The writer was the director of international relations in Venezuela’s presidential office and the country’s ambassador to Nicaragua. Translation: John…

April 9, 2021

Elliott Abrams, fire your own president; you couldn’t fire mine in Venezuela.

The writer was the director of international relations in Venezuela’s presidential office and the country’s ambassador to Nicaragua. Currently, he…

January 25, 2021

How long will Peru last? History weighs on today’s events

The writer was the director of international relations in Venezuela’s presidential office and the country’s ambassador to Nicaragua. Currently, he…

December 18, 2020

Una lucha simultánea en la misma extensión de este hemisferio

El autor, un analista venezolano, envió a Workers World este artículo sobre los acontecimientos en los últimos meses en el…

October 30, 2020

A simultaneous struggle in the whole of this hemisphere

Workers World received this article from its author, written Oct. 21 by a Venezuelan political analyst and essayist. Translation by…

October 28, 2020

Latin American ex-presidents stage ‘rebellion on the farm’ following IADB appointment

The web magazine published this article by its author, a Venezuelan analyst, on Sept. 3. The article refers to…

September 17, 2020