Sara Flounders

If you care about Ukraine – disband NATO

Long before the Feb. 24 Russian intervention, the 2014 U.S.-backed fascist coup regime had reduced Ukraine to the poorest country,…

March 17, 2022

U.S. threatens nuclear war or sanctions

A seismic shift is sending shock waves through the global economy.  The well-established capitalist disorder, dominated by U.S. imperialism and…

March 16, 2022

Guerra de EE.UU. contra Rusia: una estampida hacia el precipicio

Boletín: Desde el 22 de febrero, Rusia ha reconocido las dos repúblicas populares de la región de Donbass, en el…

March 3, 2022

No U.S./NATO war!

Over 100 people, joined by many others on social media, gathered Feb. 19 at Grand Central Station in New York…

February 23, 2022

U.S. war on Russia: a stampede off a cliff

Bulletin: As of Feb. 22, Russia has recognized the two peoples’ republics in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, the…

February 22, 2022

Capitalist Russia: a target, not a superpower

This article, originally published July 12, 2017, by Workers World, remains timely in January 2022 as the U.S. threatens war…

January 30, 2022

Russia’s demands challenge NATO’s threats

Russian President Vladimir Putin at his End of the Year Press Conference, Dec. 23, 2021, speaking to 500 domestic and…

January 5, 2022

March 30, 1952 – Dec. 28, 2021
Chuck Kaufman: an anchor

Few people have done as much as Chuck Kaufman over so many years. He was an anchor in our movement.…

January 3, 2022

Wildfire surge of omicron confirms: Health care for profit more deadly than coronavirus

The ominous toll of 800,000 deaths from COVID-19, reached in the U.S. Dec. 14, confirms that health care for profit…

December 24, 2021

Biden’s Summit on Democracy Hypocrisy

With great publicity, President Joe Biden called a grand, international Summit on Democracy for Dec 9-10. This gathering, held on…

December 21, 2021