Sara Flounders

Cuba-China cooperation leads to vaccine breakthrough

Cuba and China formally announced June 2 that they have filed for joint patent for a Pan-Corona vaccine. The new…

June 7, 2022

La Cumbre de las Américas de Biden está en graves problemas

30 de mayo – Las grandes expectativas de Biden de que la celebración de la Cumbre de las Américas este…

June 6, 2022

Demanding China’s exclusion
U.S. blocks world access to vaccines

Just how far is the U.S. government determined to go in the protection of corporate profits? For the past two…

May 31, 2022

Biden’s Summit of the Americas in deep trouble

Biden’s grand expectations that hosting the Summit of the Americas this year will demonstrate U.S. influence in the Western Hemisphere…

May 30, 2022

Sanctions – wrecking ball in a global economy

U.S. government strategists are using sanctions as a wrecking ball to demolish the globalized economy. It is a desperate struggle…

May 23, 2022

NATO’s global history of reaction

The U.S.-commanded military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – NATO, was founded April 4, 1949. Its initials describe…

April 4, 2022

Sanctions on Russia boomerang – Biden promises food shortages

March 27 “Food shortages — it’s going to be real,” President Joe Biden said in Brussels March 25. “The price…

March 31, 2022

Sin sanciones, sin armas nucleares, sin guerra

Un cambio sísmico está enviando ondas de choque a través de la economía global.  El bien establecido desorden capitalista, dominado…

March 29, 2022

Si le preocupa Ucrania, ¡Desmantelen la OTAN!

Mucho antes de la intervención rusa del 24 de febrero, el régimen golpista fascista de 2014 respaldado por Estados Unidos…

March 23, 2022

No sanctions, no nukes, no war!

A seismic shift is sending shock waves through the global economy.  The well-established capitalist disorder, dominated by U.S. imperialism and…

March 22, 2022