Sara Flounders

Newark, N.J., protest denounces cuts in Social Security

The community group, People’s Organization for Progress, held a rally on April 16 in Newark, N.J., against cuts in Social…

April 26, 2013

Iraq: 10th anniversary of U.S. crime against humanity

The corporate media in the U.S. play a powerful role in preparation for imperialist war. They play an even more…

March 19, 2013

Changing the imperialist game

Excerpts from a talk by Sara Flounders, a Workers World Party secretariat member, at the Nov. 17-18, 2012, WWP national…

February 24, 2013

Six hospital evacuations in NY-NJ

Capitalist priorities intensify storm crisis The storm that hit the U.S. East Coast Oct. 29 exposed the harm done by…

November 7, 2012

Non-Aligned Movement meets in Iran, defies U.S.

A meeting in Tehran starting Aug. 26 puts into the sharpest perspective the waning position of U.S. imperialism globally and…

September 2, 2012