Sara Flounders

On U.S. bases, schools, roads and parks – Symbols, names reinforce institutional racism

Following the June 17 racist massacre in South Carolina, a groundswell of activists has pushed to eliminate the glorification of…

July 7, 2015

Unite against wars at home, abroad

The present national upsurge against racist police violence needs the support of every progressive political movement in the U.S. Every…

May 4, 2015

International forum supports Palestine

The International Forum for Justice in Palestine drew hundreds from Palestine and Palestinian solidarity activists from around the world to…

February 28, 2015

Greek debt, austerity and past military contracts

Since the 2008 capitalist downturn sparked the debt crisis, Greek working people have held huge demonstrations, general strikes and now…

February 10, 2015

Saudi oil and U.S. hypocrisy

Few events expose the utter hypocrisy of U.S. politicians’ grand words about democracy so starkly as their praise for the…

January 27, 2015

Charlie Hebdo, the free press and racism

How do we put in perspective the international media focus on the massacre of 12 journalists in Paris on Jan.…

January 13, 2015

Hong Kong protests: Why imperialists support ‘democracy’ movement

Demonstrations in Hong Kong, China, raising demands on the procedures to be followed in city elections in 2017, have become…

October 7, 2014

El Pentágono y el cambio climático

Hay un elefante en el debate sobre el clima que por exigencia de los Estados Unidos no puede ser discutido…

September 9, 2014

The Pentagon — the climate elephant

There is an elephant in the climate debate that by U.S. demand cannot be discussed or even acknowledged. This agreement…

September 4, 2014

Ida y vuelta de camiones rusos con ayuda humanitaria

25 de agosto - Doscientos veintisiete camiones rusos "invadieron" a Ucrania el 22 de agosto, transportando grandes bolsas llenas de…

September 2, 2014