Sara Flounders

Ayuda rusa en Siria posterga planes EUA de ‘cambiar régimen’

Los planes de EUA / OTAN de derrocar al gobierno sirio y reconocer a un régimen disfuncional de colaboradores imperialistas…

October 20, 2015

Russian assistance in Syria sets back U.S. ‘regime change’ plans

U.S.-NATO plans to overturn the Syrian government and recognize a dysfunctional regime of imperialist collaborators have suffered a serious setback.…

October 13, 2015

Russia, Iran give international assistance to Syria

Oct. 5 -- Does Syria have the right to defend its sovereignty from imperialist conquest and its population from the…

October 6, 2015

U.N. summit fails world’s poor

Imagine an international gathering at the United Nations reporting after 15 years of meetings that it had achieved none of…

September 29, 2015

Guerras de Estados Unidos causan crisis de refugiados

Las guerras de Estados Unidos, las sanciones y la desestabilización planificada, son la causa abrumadora de la oleada de cientos…

September 15, 2015

U.S. wars caused refugee crisis

U.S. wars, starvation sanctions and planned destabilization are the overwhelming cause of the surge of hundreds of thousands of war…

September 8, 2015

Escalada de guerra EUA contra Siria socava pacto de Irán

La atención internacional se centra en la próxima lucha en el Congreso estadounidense para aprobar el acuerdo nuclear de Irán,…

August 18, 2015

U.S. escalation of war against Syria undermines Iran pact

Aug. 11 -- International attention is focusing on the coming struggle in the U.S. Congress to pass the Iran nuclear…

August 11, 2015

Nuclear agreement – An historic moment for Iran

The agreement reached July 14 between Iran and the “5+1,” the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council…

July 16, 2015

Massive people’s march July 25 in Newark

A major demonstration in Newark, N.J., on July 25 -- called the Million People’s March Against Police Brutality, Racial Injustice…

July 14, 2015