Sara Flounders

¿Qué impulsa las sacudidas a la economía?

La clase obrera en EUA ha sufrido golpes devastadores desde la crisis económica capitalista del año 2007. Ahora la amenaza…

February 2, 2016

What’s driving shocks to the economy

Jan. 25 — The working class in the U.S. has suffered devastating blows since the 2007 capitalist economic crisis. Now…

January 29, 2016

New Jersey: Anti-racists rally in support of Islamic Community Center

Bayonne, N.J. -- More than 200 people came out here on Jan. 19 to stand in solidarity with the Muslim community…

January 21, 2016

Enfrentamiento en Oregón y el papel del Estado

Derechistas fuertemente armados han ocupado el Refugio Nacional Malheur de Vida Silvestre en las afueras de Burns-Oregón desde el 2…

January 19, 2016

Oregon standoff & the role of the State

Heavily armed right-wingers have occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge outside of Burns, Ore., since Jan. 2, declaring they are…

January 12, 2016

EUA y Francia aumentan amenaza de guerra contra Siria

Los ataques en París atribuidos a ISIS han fijado la atención del mundo. Pero la pregunta más urgente que enfrenta…

November 23, 2015

The working class needs a compass to fight imperialism

Excerpts from a speech by Sara Flounders at the 2015 Workers World Party national conference; Flounders is a WWP Secretariat…

November 20, 2015

U.S., France raise threat of wider war over Syria

Nov. 17 -- The series of attacks in Paris claimed by ISIS have riveted world attention. But the most urgent…

November 17, 2015

Tremors before a capitalist earthquake?

Tremors anticipating another earthquake are sending shivers through the capitalist markets. Recent articles in the New York Times, Washington Post,…

November 3, 2015

U.S. terror continues in Afghanistan

There is no end in sight to the U.S. war in Afghanistan, now the longest war in U.S. history. Despite…

October 25, 2015