Sara Flounders

Solidarity and security in revolutionary times

This talk was given on Nov. 19 at the Workers World Party national conference in Newark, N.J. Who here is…

December 7, 2017

Myanmar’s colonial history feeds current crisis of Rohingyas, Saudi Arabia and U.S.

The current corporate media attention to the abuses suffered by the mostly Muslim Rohingya people who have crossed from Myanmar…

October 14, 2017

Why U.S. and Saudi Arabia back Rohingya in Myanmar

Demonstrations, protests and online petitions have appeared worldwide to defend the struggle of the Rohingya people who have been driven…

October 10, 2017

U.S. empire in disarray

Pentagon’s grim proposals U.S. war crises and threats are intensifying on every side of the globe, from Korea to Afghanistan,…

September 20, 2017

‘Cops and Klan, Hand in Hand’: Lessons of Charlottesville

Flounders was a participant in the Aug. 12 Charlottesville, Va., anti-racist mobilization. The racist “Unite the Right” mobilization in Charlottesville…

August 15, 2017

Amenazas y sanciones EUA crecen con aislamiento

Una nueva ronda de sanciones estadounidenses más fuertes y económicamente perjudiciales contra Rusia, Irán y Corea Popular se ha encontrado…

August 8, 2017

U.S. threats and sanctions grow with isolation

A new round of harsher, economically disruptive U.S. sanctions against Russia, Iran and People’s Korea has met with anger, even…

August 1, 2017

Russia: a target, not a superpower

The corporate media’s constant use of Cold War terminology to describe the meeting of the U.S. and Russian presidents as…

July 12, 2017

Pentágono amenaza expandir guerra contra Siria

Mientras el peligro de una seria conflagración en Siria sigue creciendo, el silencio de los medios corporativos y el establecimiento…

July 12, 2017

Pentagon threatens wider war on Syria

As the danger of a major conflagration in Syria continues to grow, the silence of the corporate media and political…

July 5, 2017