Sara Flounders

Venezuela today: consolidating people power to face U.S. threats

The following excerpted talk was given at a March 21 Workers World Party meeting in New York. The U.S. war…

April 3, 2019

What’s behind U.S. troop withdrawals announced for Syria and Afghanistan?

The announced withdrawal of the remaining 2,000 U.S. troops from Syria and a partial withdrawal from Afghanistan does not mean…

December 24, 2018

Development vs. destruction: China and the U.S.

Escalating U.S. military confrontations, political threats, extreme tariffs and an ominous trade war against China are having global repercussions. These…

December 11, 2018

Why the U.S. threatens China — as a new superpower

China’s growth into the world’s second-largest economy is being evaluated by all the corporate media, reflecting debates in U.S. ruling…

November 29, 2018

From G7 to Shanghai summit, U.S. swagger falls flat

The response to President Donald Trump’s arrogant withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and wild threats of tariffs on U.S.…

June 12, 2018

Gas venenoso, pretexto para ataque de EUA

Las guerras estadounidenses se basan en mentiras y falsas provocaciones. Esto no es noticia. Ahora viene la acusación de que…

April 19, 2018

Syria poison gas? Pretext for U.S. military attack

U.S. wars are based on lies and staged provocations. This is hardly news. Now comes the charge that on April…

April 10, 2018

Jersey City teachers face down injunction

Jersey City, N.J. — Teachers here walked out on strike on Friday, March 16. Represented by the Jersey City Education…

March 21, 2018

Big guns destroy U.S. schools

Bigger guns are destroying children’s lives in U.S. schools than the AR-15 used in the heinous Florida school murders. Schools…

March 21, 2018

U.S. spreads chaos in the Middle East

U.S. imperialism’s deteriorating position in the Middle East was confirmed on Jan. 16 by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s bold…

January 26, 2018