Sara Flounders

Uncounting 40% of deaths

April 14 — How many people have actually died of the COVID-19 virus and related conditions? Already more people have…

April 15, 2020

Vital health care workers face massive layoffs

Health care workers are suddenly facing the largest layoffs and pay cuts in three decades.  These workers are being justifiably…

April 15, 2020

Sanctions or solidarity

A pandemic by its very nature needs a global response. It can only be addressed with a high level of…

April 8, 2020

China’s socialist planning and COVID-19

The global COVID-19 viral pandemic has exposed in the sharpest light the contradiction between a globalized world economy and a…

April 3, 2020

BigPharma’s Role: U.S. sanctions lead to global rise in Coronavirus

March 10 – As COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreads, it is a clear reminder that germs and viruses don’t respect national boundaries…

March 10, 2020

How socialist base helps China combat coronavirus

China is showing the world what is needed -- and possible -- to combat the outbreak of a new, highly…

February 11, 2020

Iran-Iraq solidarity grows amid U.S. threats

United States policy toward both Iran and Iraq is based not on “bad advice” or howling blunders by President Donald…

January 14, 2020

EE.UU. amenaza con una guerra más amplia en Iraq, Irán

7 de enero – Manifestaciones enormes en Irán, Iraq y en toda la región están expresando ira antiimperialista y señalando…

January 12, 2020

Targeting Iraq, Iran: U.S. threatens wider war

Jan 7--Enormous demonstrations in Iran, Iraq and region-wide are expressing anti-imperialist rage, and signaling a new day, a rebirth of…

January 7, 2020

Bagdad da un mensaje de Año Nuevo: EE.UU. intensifica la agresión

Jan. 3 – La arrogancia del imperialismo estadounidense no tiene límites. Y en ninguna parte ha sido más destructivo en…

January 6, 2020