Sara Flounders

U.S. role in assassination of Iranian scientist

The targeted assassination of top Iranian physicist and nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on Nov. 27, and Donald Trump's immediate approving…

November 30, 2020

Class struggle in China – How to deal with multibillionaires?

“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” is an old story repeated in many variations, from Greek myths to a famous German poem by…

November 23, 2020

NYC:  Workers Assembly against racism

A Workers Assembly against Racism rally in New York, near Trump International Hotel and Tower, builds anti-racist solidarity between organized…

November 13, 2020

Amazon bans book exposing U.S. COVID chaos

A decision by the Amazon company to block a book focused on a scientific and cooperative approach to COVID-19 amounts…

November 2, 2020

New York Workers Assembly Against Racism

A powerful and forward-planning Workers Assembly Against Racism was held at Union Square in New York City on Oct. 18.…

October 23, 2020

Testing and medical insurance: a profitable disaster

In the midst of a capitalist crash and an out-of-control health crisis, two mega-industries that bear a heavy burden of…

August 13, 2020

Capitalism: The cause of COVID-19 deaths

June 23 — Does the COVID-19 virus operate differently in capitalist countries than in socialist countries? Based on a comparison…

June 24, 2020

Just released! A new book: ‘What Road To Socialism?’

“What Road to Socialism?” is a new Workers World anthology released in paper and other formats on May 16, just…

June 21, 2020

U.S. tries to deflect COVID fiasco onto China

A growing world confrontation is roaring onto the political and economic scene. Not a day goes by without the corporate…

May 26, 2020

N.J. car caravan raises demand #FreeThemAll, exposes detention center conditions

Elizabeth, N.J.  Resistance continues, even in the lockdown conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite essential social distancing guidelines, social justice…

April 22, 2020