Sara Flounders

Alexei Navalny: Why is Biden supporting a Russian fascist?

At the very time Democrats in Congress were attempting to impeach Trump for the Jan. 6 fascist rampage, President Joe…

February 17, 2021

Evaluating Biden’s Yemen policy: Bait and switch

Feb. 7 — President Joe Biden seemed to announce an end to Washington’s complete support for Saudi Arabia’s war on…

February 8, 2021

Biden appoints warmongers

The Senate confirmation hearings for Biden’s cabinet appointees — which began the week of Jan. 18 — should serve as…

January 26, 2021

Huelgas de hambre en tres cárceles de Nueva Jersey

Las sucias condiciones, el encarcelamiento indefinido y la escalada de infecciones por COVID han desencadenado huelgas de hambre desesperadas en…

January 15, 2021

Trump coup attempt: U.S. war comes home

A caustic commentary on U.S. policy that circulated on social media worldwide within 24 hours of the Jan. 6 events…

January 14, 2021

The Pentagon, corporations and slave labor in U.S. prisons

This article was originally published in Workers World June 11, 2011. It is not only federal prisons that contract out…

January 8, 2021

Hunger strikes at three New Jersey prisons

The filthy conditions, indefinite incarceration and escalating COVID infections have touched off desperate hunger strikes at three New Jersey county…

January 7, 2021

Las vacunas mundiales de China: un cambio revolucionario

En Estados Unidos, con menos del 5% de la población mundial, existe poca preocupación por el destino del otro 95%…

December 22, 2020

China’s global vaccines – a game changer

In the U.S., with less than 5% of the world’s people, there is little concern for the fate of the…

December 8, 2020

Lucha de clases en China: ¿cómo lidiar con los multimillonarios?

“El aprendiz del brujo” es una vieja historia que se repite en muchas variaciones, desde mitos griegos hasta un famoso…

December 2, 2020