Sara Flounders

Confrontation of NATO vs. SCO – Two radically different summits

Two major security alliances held summits in July. Each summit consisted of a bloc of major powers and nearby countries.…

July 27, 2024

Silent sanctions weapon used against Venezuela elections

Flounders, a coordinator of the SanctionsKill Campaign, will moderate the July 23 webinar described at the end of this article. …

July 22, 2024

As NATO meets, Israel bombs four schools in four days

As the NATO military alliance was meeting in Washington, D.C., Israel bombed four schools in Gaza in four days. At…

July 13, 2024

Resistance rockets, drones and tunnels take on billion-dollar U.S. weapons

Using creative tactics, the Resistance to U.S.-Israeli terror is causing frustration and reversals for the oppressors. Consider the following: CNN…

June 28, 2024

U.S.-NATO threats ignore ‘red lines’ in Ukraine

Front lines are collapsing for the Ukrainian army, whole units surrendering. Top commanders are fired. Faced with complete disarray of…

June 7, 2024

Palestinian resistance denounces U.S. floating pier in Gaza

An ominous U.S. escalation of 1,000 U.S. troops to Gaza is cloaked in the phony guise of a humanitarian mission.…

May 22, 2024

A revolutionary demand

Why have student encampments for Palestine ignited such an uproar of brutal repression, vicious police attacks, mass arrests, overwhelming condemnation…

May 14, 2024

Three U.S. wars threaten World War Three: $95 billion targets Palestine, Iran, Russia and China

Anyone who thinks that the U.S. policy of continued arming and fully supporting the Israeli genocide is an accident or…

May 3, 2024

Korean American Solidarity Peace March

New York City The Korean American Solidarity Peace March, held on April 27 in New York City, began in front…

May 1, 2024

First drop of aid to Ukraine opens $60 billion pipeline

The Biden administration announced March 12 that it will rush a new $300 million military aid package to Ukraine.  U.S.…

March 27, 2024