Sara Catalinotto

Organize for stable school busing

Relatives and supporters of New York City school bus riders ended 2013 expressing their determination to gain improvements for children…

January 6, 2014

PIST protests bus conditions

A dozen people — some children with disabilities, their parents, grandparents and neighbors — went to the New York City…

August 15, 2013

New York City school bus struggle

Fighters for the rights of both New York City school bus workers and the students who need their services remain…

July 11, 2013

Parents campaign for School Bus Bill of Rights

A “Rally to Save Busing” was well received by lunch hour crowds in downtown Brooklyn on April 19. The citywide…

April 28, 2013

NYC families say school bus routes still too long

New York  — The New York City borough of Queens chapter of Parents to Improve School Transportation will be at…

October 26, 2012

Parents protest ‘long, twisted’ school-bus routes

New York - With 21st century technology and vehicles, why should thousands of young and/or disabled children in New York…

October 6, 2012