Sam Ordóñez

¡Solidaridad con Venezuela Bolivariana!

Boletín 29 de enero - El gobierno de los estados unidos ha anunciado nuevas sanciones contra PDVSA, la compañía de…

January 29, 2019

World outrage grows to stop the U.S. coup in Venezuela

Bulletin, Jan. 29 -- Yesterday the U.S. government announced new sanctions against PDVSA, Venezuela's nationalized oil company. These sanctions freeze…

January 27, 2019

Venezuela defends itself from U.S.-orchestrated coup

Jan. 25 -- In Venezuela, Jan. 23 has been a historically significant date ever since 1958 when military dictator Marcos…

January 25, 2019

MLP holds first multinational assembly in Guatemala

On Dec. 29, representatives from Guatemalan Indigenous peoples and social movements gathered in Santo Domingo in the Suchitepéquez department of…

January 10, 2019

MLP celebra la primera asamblea plurinacional

El día 29 diciembre 2018 se reunieron en Santo Domingo, Suchitepéquez representantes de los pueblos originarios y movimientos sociales de…

January 8, 2019

Boston: Protest demands Justice4Siham

Demonstrators gathered here Nov. 7 to commemorate the 1-year anniversary of Siham Byah’s separation from her son, Naseem. Some 50…

December 6, 2018

Justice for Indigenous leader Berta Cáceres

Honduran Indigenous environmental activist Berta Isabel Cáceres Flores (Lenca) received some measure of justice on Nov. 29, when seven men…

December 4, 2018

New party in Guatemala advances interests of the masses

The Movement for the Liberation of the People was formally registered in Guatemala as a new political party on Nov.…

November 14, 2018

Nuevo partido en Guatemala

11 de noviembre 2018 – El día 7 de noviembre quedó formalmente inscrito en Guatemala un nuevo partido político, el…

November 13, 2018

Fleeing crisis ‘made in USA,’ Honduran migrants march into Mexico

Oct. 22 — A caravan of thousands of migrants, including small children, traveling to the United States reached the Mexico-Guatemala…

October 24, 2018