Sam Ordóñez

In Boston pro-choice forces defy right wing

June 2 -- Around 100 pro-choice activists gathered in the Boston Common to confront a group of anti-abortion extremists attempting…

June 9, 2019

General strike in Honduras protests gov’t ‘reforms’

June 3 -- A national strike began in Honduras on May 30 protesting a series of reforms announced by the…

June 6, 2019

Maestros y médicos hondureños iniciaron un paro nacional para combatir reformas neoliberales

3 de junio - El 30 de mayo empezó en Honduras un paro nacional en protesta de una serie de…

June 4, 2019

Migrant children die at border while children everywhere die of poverty

A year ago on May 23, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent shot Claudia Patricia Gómez González, a migrant…

May 31, 2019

Niños migrantes mueren en detención

23 de mayo, 2018, un agente de Customs and Border Protection mató con un tiro a la cabeza a Claudia…

May 28, 2019

Fuerza popular se enfrenta al régimen guatemalteco

El dia 8 de abril fue asesinado por seis tiros de bala Hemil Leonel Nájera Trigueros, defensor de los derechos…

April 16, 2019

Popular forces challenge Guatemalan regime

Six gunshots killed Hemil Leonel Nájera Trigueros on April 8 in the municipality of la Libertad, in the Petén department…

April 16, 2019

Venezuela begins legal actions against opposition coup plotters

March 31 -- Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly -- which is operating in contempt of the Supreme Court…

April 2, 2019

Venezuela comienza acciones legales contra los golpistas

31 de marzo - Juan Guaidó, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional en desacato y autoproclamado presidente interino de Venezuela, ha…

April 2, 2019

U.S. hands off! Venezuela fights for all Latin America

March 23 -- This week U.S. president Donald Trump and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro met for the first time since…

March 27, 2019