Sam Marcy

Contracción económica y expansión militar

Este artículo, escrito por Sam Marcy, fundador del Partido Workers World - Mundo Obrero en junio de 1980, analiza la…

February 28, 2018

Economic contraction and military expansion

This article, written by Workers World Party founder Sam Marcy in June 1980, analyzes the basic contradiction within U.S. imperialism…

February 25, 2018

¿Por qué estudiar el marxismo?

El artículo siguiente es de una clase sobre marxismo dada por Sam Marcy, el fundador del Partido Workers World-Mundo Obrero,…

January 30, 2018

Why study Marxism?

The following is abridged from a class on Marxism given by WWP founder Sam Marcy in 1993 after the fall…

January 21, 2018

The Klan and the government

In November 1982, the Ku Klux Klan announced it would be holding a demonstration in the heart of Washington, D.C.…

August 23, 2017

In 1972, WWP leader took on anti-gay oppression

The following is part of a document called “From a Tendency to a Party” written in 1972 (45 years ago!)…

June 14, 2017

Police vs. workers and oppressed

This article is slightly edited and updated from its first appearance in the Jan. 29, 1971, issue of Workers World…

September 8, 2016

The Civil War: Lessons for today’s struggle

Below are excerpts from the book “The Klan and the Government: Foes or Allies?” written in 1983 by Sam Marcy,…

July 30, 2015

‘Marxism and insurrection’

From Los Angeles to Baltimore We reprint here excerpts from the article “Marxism and insurrection” written on May 14, 1992,…

April 29, 2015

The right of self-determination and the class struggle

Nov. 25, 1983 (reprinted from the Dec. 8, 1983 Workers World) Of all the great domestic political problems facing the…

December 15, 2014