Sam Marcy

Black labor: From chattel slavery to wage slavery, Part 1

By Sam Marcy The following is excerpted from Chapter 2 of  Marcy’s “High Tech, Low Pay: A Marxist analysis of…

February 11, 2020

Workers must say: ‘Move over, we’re taking over’

Adapted from a speech Workers World Party Chairperson Sam Marcy gave to a party meeting on Dec. 15, 1995 --…

December 9, 2019

ABC’s of the capitalist crisis, Part 2

WW reprints here Part 2 of an article, slightly abridged, by Sam Marcy, the late chairperson of Workers World Party,…

June 20, 2019

A historical perspective on China

This article by Workers World Party founder Sam Marcy appeared in WW on June 3, 1993, when the bourgeois media…

June 7, 2019

ABCs of the capitalist crisis

WW reprints here Part 1 of an article, slightly abridged, by Sam Marcy, the late chairperson of Workers World Party,…

June 6, 2019

Sam Marcy on a working-class movement for socialism

This selection from Sam Marcy’s book “High Tech, Low Pay” (1986) was lightly edited to update some phrasing. There is…

December 7, 2018

Reforma y revolución

Este artículo del fundador del partido WorkersWorld Party/Partido Mundo Obrero, Sam Marcy sobre la revolución cubana, apareció por primera vez…

September 25, 2018

Reform and revolution

This article about the Cuban Revolution by Workers World Party founder Sam Marcy first appeared in the WW issue of…

September 12, 2018

Lessons of the April 1968 Black rebellions

Following are excerpts from an April 11, 1968, WW article by Workers World Party founding chairperson Sam Marcy, a week…

April 3, 2018

Historical and political significance of My Lai massacre

March 16, 2018, is the 50th anniversary of the My Lai massacre, when U.S. troops massacred more than 500 women,…

March 16, 2018