Richie Merino

Nicaragua: Reflections on solidarity, struggle, and liberation

Managua, Nicaragua The writer was part of a Solidarity Delegation of members of Workers World Party and the Bronx Anti-War…

July 31, 2024

Fund people’s needs in the Bronx, not genocide in Gaza!

From a talk given by Richie Merino, an organizer of the Bronx Antiwar Coalition,  at a panel he chaired on…

January 25, 2024

Bronx protesters chant: ‘Same struggle, same fight! Gaza and the Bronx unite!’ 

Bronx, New York This article is based on a talk given by Richie Merino Dec. 15 at a demonstration in…

December 21, 2023

Los peruanos se resisten al golpe apoyado por Estados Unidos

Esta charla se ofreció en el evento “Un año de resistencia contra el golpe de Estado respaldado por Estados Unidos…

December 11, 2023

Peruvians resist U.S.-backed coup 

This talk was given at the “One Year of Resistance against the U.S.-backed Coup to Peruvian President Pedro Castillo” event,…

December 8, 2023

Más allá del ‘alto el fuego ya’

Publicado el 23 de noviembre de 2023 antes del alto el fuego, que ya ha finalizado. El análisis sigue siendo…

December 6, 2023

One of 60 actions
Protest brings truth of Ukraine war to thousands

New York City Antiwar demonstrators gathered and rallied at Columbus Circle in Manhattan on Oct. 1 near CNN headquarters, and…

October 4, 2023

Over 60 actions worldwide: Protest to end U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine!

Bronx, New York A coalition of antiwar and peace organizations in New York City is gearing up for an upcoming…

September 27, 2023

Int’l conference to stop the Third World War set in Rome Oct. 27-28

Support is growing for an international conference demanding the dissolution of NATO, an end to arms shipments to Ukraine, and…

September 21, 2023

New York City rally for Puerto Rico’s struggle for independence

A rally took place Aug. 26 in front of the U.S. military recruiting station in Times Square in New York…

August 30, 2023